Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yea! We have a baby on the way!!

I will play catch-up for a moment for those of you interested in the past few months: Neal and I celebrated our first anniversary this month, last year on December 6th. Our wedding day was incredible! The weather was more than ideal for Seattle fact you would have thought it was autumn!

Here are a few fun pictures of our engagement, and wedding, Enjoy!


We hopped on a plane to Mexico and spent a week in the warm weather--and we have decided to retire to Mexico when we get old. We flew home to find a few hearty inches of snow on the ground (warm, sunny honeymoon was over!) we arrived home around midnight in the freezing cold.


Then we moved to Utah to finish our degrees at Brigham Young University. We are loving school. Neal is currently preparing to apply to dental school this summer, and we couldn't be more excited to move! I will be graduating this August with a degree in Economics--who knew!? Economics? We are preparing for a very crazy next few months as we prepare to graduate, and have a baby!

Baby on the way!
(Don't worry, you cannot tell by this picture!)

BYU has mercy on their pregnant least they have shown it thus far. I have really lucked out! I am 17 weeks today and you would never know it! It appears that I have a very shy baby in my tummy that does not want to be seen! Why is it that when women want to look pregnant they don't? And when they do not want to look pregnant they do? This has always puzzled me. Eventually I hope to start showing :) We find out January 4th what our baby will be... We do not have any inkling as to what this little thing is, but we are excited to play with a new baby in May!


  1. My fav is the butt pic! I'm so excited for you guys to find out what your baby will be! He/She is going to be dang cute. My guess is a girl!

  2. I had no idea you're preggo! Congratulations! And welcome to the blogging world :)

  3. We love the post. Keep it up. It is so fun to stay in touch. Great first post Michelle.

  4. I miss you : ( Its been only like... what 2 days but still- cant wait to see you in Seattle!! The BEST place ever!
