I actually want to look pregnant at some point! Its hilarious, last Sunday I announced that we found out we were having a girl, and the ladies at church gasped, turned around, and gasped again, one said, "You're pregnant?!?" Umm... last time I checked and I was super sick the answer was YES! We have had a rough start, but I think we are making progress!!! Here is a picture from week 17... don't worry it just looks like a fat patch on my belly :)
At week 18 I went home, I could still fit my jeans pre-wedding... and I didn't quite look pregnant yet...
At week 22 we have some Bump-age going on! I think I am past the "muffin top" stage, which an odd transition...
And I have to add at least one cute ultrasound picture... here is one with her two little feet together. I like this one the best as far as "cuteness factors" are concerned. And luckily she measured bigger than she was and they moved my due date up! Yea!!
I would just like to conclude and say that I LOVE my cute husband, and we are excited to meet our little GIRL in MAY!!
2 weeks ago